Thursday, May 8, 2014

BlueBonnets HoneyBee Spinning Wheel Part 2 -Finishing the Wheel

Hello Crafters!
Welcome to Part 2 Finishing the HoneyBee Spinning wheel.  

Finishing My wheel
Since I purchased my Honeybee unfinished  noticed on the site that it was an upcharge of $75 to have the Danish Oil Finish applied.  I priced out the oil and for less than $10 I had some Watco Danish Oil sent my way.

Before I began I reached out to Bluebonnet and asked a few questions :

My wheel arrived today.(Gushing!!!!)  Happy Dance!!  Thank you for the crazy fast shipping!  I purchased the unfinished wheel.  I purchased my Danish oil and I almost ready to go.  I have a few questions:
What type of cloth should  use?
Do I need to do it outside?
How long should I wait for it to dry?

Jerry replied the same day...yay!
We use foam brushes and do it in a well ventilated area.  My best advice would be to read and follow the directions on the container carefully.  

SIDENOTE: My husband wanted homemade pizza that day.  I got up ran to the store grabbed my ingredients and hurried home.  MORAL OF STORY do what you need to so you can take your time and finish your wheel properly.

Watco Danish Oil-Natural Finish
Latex Gloves
Lent free Cotton T-shirt Scrap
News Paper to cover/protect surface
*not pictured my ninja Mask:)*

It was too chilly for me to stain the wheel outside so I opened the windows and tied a rag on my face like a Ninja!
Note: that darn top on the Danish Oil was a NIGHTMARE to remove.......IJS.  I turned on the CloneWars :) and applied the finish.  I completed 3-4 coats in about 2 hours.  It was really easy and relaxing.  When you apply the stain the grain is just amplified.  As my coworker warned me to be sure to get the raw edges as that is where moisture seeps in.

Once I finished staining all parts I took the pieces outside and took a few pictures to show you.

The finish is Beautiful.  This is just an example of my finish choice as a DIY-er I love the fact that you can turn this wheel into an thing you want.....even as a beginner.

Stay tuned for Part 3 Reassemble and Lets Practice!

*DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with BlueBonnet Spinning Wheels, I purchased my wheel myself and this is my honest opinion.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this blog! My husband just surprised me with a Crafty Bee yesterday! I am so tickled. I have everything laid out to begin finishing. A quick search on the internet found your blog. Yay!

    I'm wondering - what did you do about sealing the plying bobbin that comes with the test yarn and start? Did you remove those and then re-attach? - Crys
